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Course Outline

Zero Alcohol Logo

Vermont endorses zero tolerance for SWI offenses. Vermont’s legal limit of intoxication is:

  • 0.08% blood alcohol concentration for an adult 21 or older or…
  • 0.02% blood alcohol concentration for anyone under 21.

SWI carries the same penalties as driving while intoxicated (DWI).

A conviction can cost you your certificate to operate a snowmobile as well as your license to operate an automobile.

Vermont snowmobilers have a choice to make about drinking before venturing out on the trails. The IASA has developed a new Zero Alcohol Campaign. This program urges every snowmobiler to choose to be 100% alcohol-free prior to going snowmobiling and during any ride. This is a peer-to-peer recommendation among riders to ride responsibly and alcohol free—it’s the smart choice for safer snowmobiling.

  • Unit 6 of 6
  • Topic 4 of 5
  • Page 8 of 8