Preparing to Tow a Snowmobile Trailer
The snowmobile trailer must meet safety requirements for lights, hitching, coupling, and safety chains. A solid ball with lock washer and nut is often considered legal as well. Also consider these important features.
- Use a snowmobile trailer with a tilt bed for ease in loading and unloading.
- Make sure the towing vehicle has a heavy-duty flasher and rearview mirrors, inside and outside.
- Know your trailer’s weight capacity rating, and don’t exceed it.
- Avoid rope or rubber tie-downs since they are frayed easily by metal edges and any stretching may allow movement. Tie-downs should be adjustable and locking. They also must be marked with the safe working load limit. Each tie-down used to secure your snowmobile should have a working load limit strong enough to hold the entire weight of your snowmobile.

The towing hitch must be appropriate for the loaded trailer.