Caribou live in the rugged terrain of British Columbia’s mountains where snowmobiling may take place. Snowmobiling could cause caribou to move into steeper terrain, which may cause avalanches. The steeper terrain may also be a less suitable foraging habitat for caribou. The federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) lists some caribou as threatened or endangered, so it is important to respect the wildlife and its habitat by doing the following.
- If you see caribou:
- Turn off your snowmobile.
- Do not approach the caribou.
- Leave the area once the caribou have moved on.
- If you see caribou tracks, do not follow them.
- For more information about how snowmobiling may affect caribou, download the Snowmobiling and Caribou brochure from the British Columbia Ministry of Environment and the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation.
- To see a map of snowmobile closures across the mountainous caribou range to support the recovery of their population, visit the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation website.